THE GALLERY: All Years Leaving Festival ’14 @ Hare & Hounds Fri 24th & Sat 25th Nov

Butterfly screen break - lr - smEd’s note… 

All Years Leaving Festival had it’s first outing last year, presenting a tasty mix of visiting acts against a solid Birmingham core. This year’s line did the same, with a somewhat Leedscentric top draw underpinned by some veritable regional favourites – with Victories at Sea returning a little higher up the pecking order.

Organised by This Is Tmrw, the Birmingham born (kinda, sorta) music promoters who do a damn fine job of booking acts that would arguably otherwise not make it to the city, All Years Leaving Festival has pretensions of Supersonic proportions and beyond. And why not – it’s programmed by promoters who have a clear idea of what and why they want things, even if the city around them doesn’t always get it. Just don’t say ‘Avant Garde’. Read our interview with Matt Beck and Tom Hopkins (This Is Tmrw) here.This Is Tmrw logo

Plus This Is Tmrw have been chipping away at the collective unconscious ever since I first took note (my own repertoire of cultural references becoming a little larger with each Lewes Herriot A6) so a yearly showcase seems like the right way to evolve. If you’d have asked me who Conan Mockasin was in 2103 I’d probably have guessed “…a VIZ character?” and now I can waffle about dolphin obsession. So I wish them well – genuine support for a genuine endeavour; hopefully the national tour operators will feel the same way.

And sadly we had a writer meltdown at the end of October so you’ll have to settle for only pictures – courtesy of The Gallery, from Jonathan Morgan and Paul Reynolds. Which if the adage is true means you’re getting 56,000 words.

Ed King is editor of Birmingham Review. Follow him @EdKing2210

For more on This Is Tmrw, visit


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Pics from Jonathan Morgan, includes: Eagulls, Cheatahs, God Damn, Menace Beach, Bad Breeding, Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam

Follow Jonathan Morgan @jonathanamorgan


Illustrator_AYL_HareHounds_PReynolds_1,ALL YEARS LEAVING FESTIVAL ’14 / SAT 25TH NOV

Pics from Paul Reynolds, includes: Hookworms, Traams, The Voyeurs, Victories at Sea, Them Wolves, Theo Verney, Table Scraps

For more from Paul Reynolds, visit