THE GALLERY: P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18

P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds




Words by Lydia Fizer / Pics by Paul Reynolds

Otherwise known as the Oven of Aural Delights, >1000°C. “Me eyebrows are comin’ off!” – Molly McDonald, P.E.T bassist extraordinaire.

P.E.T. Ah, what can I say about P.E.T? That I’m beyond excited to see them again. That they have the purest punk sound which will pierce you to the core. That they’ve chosen their favourite local bands for the lineup tonight. It’s gonna be a good one. I can feel it in my water.

This gig is special, and not just because the lineup promises greatness. Tonight is the first time that the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK campaign stickers are in action. These are part of a larger campaign working against the cases of sexual assault, violence, and misconduct which are making our local music scene unsafe. Right this moment, P.E.T vocalist Abi Whistance is scouring the venue, slapping a sticker on anyone she can reach.

Flares – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsIf you see these stickers at a music event in the future, please wear one. Even better, order some and distribute them. We are all responsible for showing solidarity in the face of sexual aggression, and demonstrating to the perpetrators that their actions will not be tolerated. You can get the stickers and information here, and even more information about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK campaign here. As Whistance would say, “Get your hands off me, I’m not your P.E.T!”

Onwards. The first band to the stage are Flares, a babyfaced bundle of punk realness. They’re only 14/15 years old, but they are not to be underestimated. Their music is more mature than some bands twice their age.

They open with ‘Anywhere, Anywhere’ and bring a sound that hits your chest like a hammer. Their instrumentals are at once grungy and sharp. They move to the music with confidence. Flares are strong enough that covers of iconic songs are vibrant from their mouths. They get the whole room dancing to Buzzcocks’ ‘Ever Fallen in Love’, and stamp their own sound into M.I.A.’s ‘Paper Planes’.  The beat keeps rolling right to the end of their final track, ‘Pastime’. They don’t put a note wrong.

The Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

Next up are The Butters Aliens. They have electric vocals from Ed Draper and an irresistible sound. The room is a mass of flailing limbs within the first minute of their set.

They smash a cover of FIDLAR’s ‘Stoked and Broke’, and I can’t help thinking that they play with unbelievable accuracy if they’re as baked as they claim. It’s so catchy. So memorable. It’s shoe-throwingly good (no, really. Shoes and hats are cast asunder. You don’t need them in hell). Later they cover FIDLAR’s ‘No Waves’. The old YouTube videos don’t do these covers justice at all; this show is leaving me blissfully broken – as Draper sings in ‘No Waves’, “I need a new body and I need a new soul”.

They set light to another firecracker, ‘Powerslide’. It makes me smile to see drummer Matt Homback briefly swap places with vocalist/guitarist Draper. Bring your drummers to the front and let them feel the love.The Butters Aliens (and some of Miilkk) – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds They follow this with ‘No Name’. I’m left feeling like I need their CD for when I want to bounce around like a monkey on crack (admit it, you know how I feel).

There’s a whole load of gorgeous camaraderie between the bands tonight. They start mosh pits in one another’s honour, they write each other’s initials across their chests. Vocalist/guitarist of Miilkk, Jack Dixon, is called onto stage with The Butters Aliens to lend his exuberance. The Aliens end on an unearthly headbanging beat. Miilkk take to the stage. Drummer Fin Elwell-Jones’ facial glitter twinkles with promise.

I love it. The crowd loves it. I couldn’t have predicted this – Miilkk have a few bits and pieces on YouTube, but not enough to convey their real character. I left their YouTube account thinking The Moldy Peaches. I see them live and they turn the room into a metal party. Dixon has a classic, almost scratchy voice which takes me back to the first time I heard Kurt Cobain sing (‘Lithium’, in case you were wondering. I forget the year).

Miilkk whip out a fantastic cover of FIDLAR’s ‘Cheap Beer’, supercharging the crowd with an incredible hook.Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds This was a cover worth screaming over (and won’t be the last FIDLAR cover of the night. Why so many songs by FIDLAR? I’m beginning to think this is a conspiracy. Maybe all the bands are actually FIDLAR in disguise. We may never know for sure).

There’s a brief moment where I think I hear bassist Harry Snell sneak a beautiful punk falsetto scream. It was so quick I might have imagined it. Snell, is it real or am I dreaming? If it is real, do it again. Bigger.

Elwell-Jones has lost his shirt by this point. He has ‘THICC DADDY’ scrawled across his chest in red. I notice it through a haze of happiness – I’m riding on bass vibrations running from my fingers to my skull. Miilkk are my favourite band so far. I’m not sure what kind of milk these guys are selling, but I bet it’s of the Clockwork Orange variety because I am tripping.

Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

They do a cover of Dead Kennedys’ ‘California Über Alles’, causing one of the most hyperactive mosh pits of all time. The crowd gets down to the floor, thrumming like motors during the buildup. The room leaps – Dixon steps into the crowd with his guitar – they finish with a marching beat and a wail.

Miilkk launch into a string of cracking originals, including ‘Miss Tequila’ and ‘Pilly Willy’ (which is fast and furious – unlike the willy in question, presumably). They end with their newest song ‘Chinese Wine’; the chorus is the stuff that metal dreams are made of. Dixon screams with soul – I feel it in my bones.

Finally, it’s time for P.E.T. I’ve seen them before. I fell in love with them very quickly, and I’m thrilled to see them again as a headline act. Each band member is a powerhouse of sass.P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds They’re fronted by Abi Whistance, the Ultimate Punk Dream Girl. She’s all fishnets and fiery eyes.

They hurl into the first number, ‘Internalised’, with all the force I’d ever hoped for. They have so much confidence, channeling their power and energy in every way possible. I can’t express how happy this makes me. A few months ago, a little confidence was all they needed to become practically perfect. I reckon they’ve now arrived in their most fabulous form, like a fully evolved Pokémon ready to win every battle.

They play ‘Bunnyboiler’, and bassist Rosie Jones grooves like the goddess that she is. Their cover of The Ting Tings’ ‘Shut Up and Let Me Go’ is honestly better than the original. You’d agree if you heard it. It’s hard not to be lured in by Whistance; she has the piercing voice of a punk-rock siren. A mass of crowd members clamber onto stage and stamp out the beat.P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds They move on to ‘TV’, then finally to my favourite song of theirs, ‘P.E.T’. I really want them to record it so that I can listen to it every second of the day forever.

P.E.T are so entertaining on stage. They’re engaging. They’re cool, witty, personable… I can’t praise them enough. They prepare to cover Pixies’ ‘Tame’. Here unfolds my favourite moment so far. McDonald announces, “I went to Poundland and got some prizes. It’s a bit sh*t […] but whoever moshes the best gets a personal prize from me.” We take this challenge very seriously. The three winners each earn a medal and a lifelong invisible badge of honour. Also, glowsticks for everyone.

The whole crowd screams along to ‘Tommy’ – it’s P.E.T’s first recorded track, which you can listen to for free.P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds It was actually written about the antics of The Butters Aliens, which gives the gig an interesting dynamic; I almost feel like I’m at an alt-family reunion/roasting. McDonald is suddenly wearing Draper’s hat, and more shoes are thrown into the air. How does this keep happening? I’m surrounded by hobbits.

They prepare to play their best known cover. McDonald cries, “Does anyone know all the words to ‘Wannabe’? Anybody can get up if they want.” A mass of crowd members get onto the stage. Together, the crowd and P.E.T give a performance The Spice Girls would die for.

For the final song of the night, we are treated to something spectacular. A song they’ve never played before. A song they’ve only rehearsed once. If I thought the energy was high before, this is a whole new level. Introducing: ‘Rich People’.

There are a series of famous names. Whistance growls, fangs bared, “Weinstein […] Morgan Freeman […]”. She comes to the edge of the stage, trembling like a bomb. “Rich people don’t dance in movies. Rich people don’t dance in films”. 

I can’t convey the intensity of the performance in words. I’m afraid you’ll just have to go and see P.E.T yourself.




P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsP.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on P.E.T, visit


Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Miilkk – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on Miilkk, visit


The Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

The Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds The Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsThe Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul ReynoldsThe Butters Aliens – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on The Butters Alien, visit


Flares – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

Flares – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Flares – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds Flares – supporting P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on Flares, visit

For more on Psych Productions, visit

For more from The Sunflower Lounge, including venue details and full event listings, visit


NOT NORMAL – NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To sign up to NOT NORMAL – NOT OK, click here. To know more about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK sticker campaign, click here.

BPREVIEW: P.E.T @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18

P.E.T - supporting Rews @ Hare & Hounds 22.03.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe

Words by Ed King / Pics by Eleanor Sutcliffe

On Sunday 1st July, P.E.T headline at The Sunflower Lounge, with support from Miilkk, The Butter Aliens + Flares – as presented by Psych Productions.

Tickets are priced at £6 and available on the door or in advance through the bands performing, so click on any of the highlighted names in this BPREVIEW for the relevant links. Likewise, to visit the Facebook Event Page click here.

P.E.T have somewhat stormed onto the Birmingham music scene, only forming back in October last year yet already carving a place for themselves at the forefront of Birmingham’s punk rock fraternity. P.E.T + Miilkk, The Butters Aliens, Flares @ The Sunflower Lounge 01.07.18Full of raw energy and musical smarts, this Abi Whistance fronted four piece have supported acts from Rews to The Cosmics – delivering a powerful punk rock punch wherever they appear on the bill, driven by the ferocious energy of their ‘tiny but mighty’ lead singer. Not one of our descriptions, but one we love all the same.

But it’s the unity from this band in their entity that makes them so special; both on stage and off, P.E.T are a “real fucking rock band” – to steal a summation that was once yelled out by the Alabama 3 frontman to The Hungry Ghosts. Yep, we’re putting P.E.T in that camp – namely the one where all the bands who kick ass with integrity live. Plus, guitarist Molly McDonald’s dry humour – with some awesome to/fro with bassist Rosie Jones – is freakin’ hilarious. (P.E.T‘s drummer, Kris Szulecki, is also a bit of a legend, but too covered in cymbals to get much of a vocal input whilst performing. Catch him at the bar though…)

But it’s no secret at Birmingham Review we think P.E.T are all alterations of awesomeness, and if you want a bit more background for your bounce rate then check out our 2cents on P.E.T’s debut single, ‘Tommy’, which came out on Friday 4th May. And if you haven’t seen P.E.T live yet, you can expect a high octane set with some delicious band banter; on stage is absolutely where they shine this band shines the brightest. In all seriousness, P.E.T are a bit of a ‘golden marker’ as my friend used to call it, and as ‘of the moment’ / ‘one to watch’ as you can respectably get on Birmingham’s gig circuit right now. If you have halP.E.T - supporting The Cosmics @ The Sunflower Lounge 17.03.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffef a live music heart you should pay this band some well deserved attention.

Sliding into the first base of main support are Miilkk, the self professed ‘messy psych, punk, grunge band from Birmingham’ who have a less than discerning taste in cider. We’re not overly familiar with this local three piece at BRHQ, but Miilkk have come recommended to us by P.E.T and that’s usually a good enough witness statement for us. Although if you need a more autonomous introduction, I would like to present to the court Exhibit A and Exhibit B.

Next on the bill are The Butters Aliens, again with the whole hearted support from the night’s headline act. Spangly, jangly, bouncy, garage rock, The Butters Aliens have been on the Birmingham Review Hit List for a while now, and seeing as the current default setting is ‘HEATWAVE’ we thought it would be about the right time to check them out. In a tiny, packed out, sweat filled subterranean mosh pit. In for a penny…

Then there’s Flares, bringing some more indie rock flavour to the evening’s proceedings. Again, we’re not overly familiar with Flares but they did bash out a pretty impressive support set at the Rose Dive gig back in May. Plus, there are a couple of recordings from their recent session at Rain Studios that are certainly worth checking out. But, again (again) if it’s got the P.E.T seal of approval then we’re prepared to sacrifice a pint and a half of cider on the door charge to find out.

So there you have it, not a bad way to see out your weekend. And as mentioned before, tickets can be bought on the door or in advance from the bands themselves – so click on the highlighted links in this BPREVIEW or click here for the Facebook Event Page.

On Sunday 1st July, P.E.T headline at The Sunflower Lounge with support from Miilkk, The Butters Aliens + Flares – as presented by Psych Productions. For direct event information, visit

For more on P.E.T, visit

For more on Miilkk, visit

For more on The Butters Alien, visit

For more on Flares, visit

For more on Psych Productions, visit

For more from The Sunflower Lounge, including venue details and full event listings, visit

SINGLE: ‘Tommy’ – P.E.T 04.05.18

Words by Ed King

On Friday 4th May, P.E.T unleash their debut single ‘Tommy’ – available for free, gratis, nada, NOTHING, through iTunes, Spotify and other online streaming platforms. Bless their altruistic socks… it’s like Christmas without the snow. So, like Christmas.

‘Tommy’ is the first release from P.E.T since they formed back in October 2017. It’s somewhat of a rubber stamp of authority too, from a band who quite simply mean business.

Described as ‘Birmingham’s rising punk balloon’, P.E.T are now firmly at the forefront of Birmingham’s live music scene – with an endearing on and off stage persona, as well as some ball kickingly good live shows in their shadow. Intelligent, ferocious, absurdly funny, with a set list that pulls people into the stage like Pinhead hurling around a bunch of fish hooks on Hensley chains, P.E.T have spent the past 6 months or so kicking audiences into touch across the city.

Birmingham Review was lucky to snag P.E.T to support Rews at the Hare & Hounds on 22nd March, a mere week after they tore The Sunflower Lounge a new orifice whilst opening for The Cosmics. Throwing speaker stacks of energy at you no matter where or with whom they seem to play, P.E.T are a band who work hard, deliver on stage, and are experiencing a frighteningly promising (yet well deserved) nascent in the local music secen. And they’re just, frickin’, awesome to watch live.

But now they’re recording/releasing as well, striking two off the holy trinity of ‘ones to watch’. A strong festival season or a high-profile support tour, before you ask. So, what’s this ‘ere ‘Tommy’ ruckus all about then..?

As you’d expect, the track wastes little time declaring itself – opening with a brutally strong guitar riff and bassline, from Molly MacDonald and Rosie Jones respectively, that reminds me of bands from before these punk proteges were even conceived. Literally.

Kris Szulecki’s rolling punch drums then build up to an immediate crescendo and introduce a slight key change; ‘Tommy’ hooks you from the off, then nipple twists a small surprise to keep you interested. You get the feeling very quickly this is a winner.

Absurdly together, the production values shine immediately – laying a confident base to the ferocity of Abi Whistance’s piercing vocals. Then this is where another ‘golden marker’ (as my friend used to call them) appears. P.E.T aren’t just making noise, even if it’s well structured and delivered noise, they have something to say.Abi screaming at... / Eleanor Sutcliffe And whilst ‘Tommy’ isn’t a dissertation of the nuances of shifting global trade and foreign policy, it is a sly attack. Inspired by the on-stage antics of another local punk band, who may or may not have more than cider in their system, ‘Tommy’ is a loving dig at the drug addled culture and purported bravado of exuberance.

Whistance is in your face, with the intelligence to get that close and away with it, preaching her lyrics on a background of tight musicianship. Being all church choir and tofu growing up I wouldn’t know precisely what they’re talking about, but the sense of urgency and intent on ‘Tommy’ is unassailable. I’d even be a little bit proud if it was focused at me.

The downside, for there is always a downside, is this recording is arguably too polished. There’s a slight but exciting lull, if that’s even the right word, at around the 1:45min mark where I began looking for TV sets to jettison and windows high enough to do the job properly. On stage you could imagine this actually happening, or a least a chair or two finding it’s wings. But on the recording you are left to smash screens in your mind. Which feels, for this band, like a bit of a loss of the overall P.E.T experience.

P.E.T @ Get the Fear (Digbeth) 12.05.18 / Free partyThere is a solution though, in fact there are two coming up – P.E.T are playing at The Sunflower Lounge on Friday 4th May, supporting Bad Girlfriend, and then headlining their own free party at Get the Fear on Saturday 12th May. And if this is in anyway your cup of snakebite, I strongly suggest you go and check them out live.

But if you can’t, then ‘Tommy’ is not a bad place to start – a punk decadent calling card from a band caught in the rising light of a seriously bright horizon. Awesome stuff. Now where’s my packet of silver Rizlas and wrap of toffee apple gone…

On Friday 4th May, P.E.T release their debut single ‘Tommy’ – available through iTunes, Spotify and other online streaming platforms. For more on P.E.T, including streaming links and gig listings, visit 

P.E.T are supporting Bad Girlfriend at The Sunflower Lounge on Friday 4th May. For direct event information, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

P.E.T will also be headlining a gig at Get the Fear in Digbeth on 12th May – with support from Dead Summers, Solsara + DJ Jacky P. For direct event information, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

SINGLE: ‘Oh Friend’ – Hunger Moon

SINGLE: ‘Oh Friend’ – Hunter Moon / Out from 12.03.18

Words by Ed King / Pics courtesy of Hunger Moon

On Monday 12th March, Hunger Moon release their debut single ‘Oh Friend’ – wasting precious little time for a band that only formed at the tail end of last year, ‘deep in the heart of Birmingham’s warehouse and creative quarter’.

Out now and ‘available to stream on all major music platforms’, you can always make your own minds up with a quick visit to Soundcloud, Spotify or iTunes. Hunger Moon will also be supporting Joseph J. Jones at The Sunflower Lounge on Tuesday 13th March, if you wanted to check this out live and firsthand – for direct gig info, click here.

But who need independent thought or travel? Sit back, make yourself a cup of tea, look wistfully at rain, and let Birmingham Review do all the cognitive reasoning. Ssshhhh, there there… We’ll tell you.

But first a bit of background… Hunger Moon are the newly formed two piece from vocalist Natalie Jenkins and multi instrumentalist James Atwood, with a sound that draws immediate comparisons to London Grammar and Daughter. Their debut single, ‘Oh Friend’, had Ryan Pinson working behind the glass – with the skeleton written and rehearsed in Digbeth, and the skin produced at RML Studios in Wolverhampton. So, there’s a pretty solid start.

In the words of Hunger Moon, ‘Oh Friend is an ode to companionship, which has been the single constant within the lives of the duo over the past year throughout changes, some for better and others for worse’ and you get an immediate sense of longing, loss, or both.

Mournful yet comforting, ‘Oh Friend’ opens with an echoed guitar riff that is the linchpin to the Daughter comparison. Then after about 15 seconds, Jenkins’ vocals power though with the titular lyrics and ushering in the London Grammar comparison. This low cloud rolls across the horizon, with some ‘soft piano nuances and subtle electronics’ nudging their way in towards the end of Minute #1, before the instrumentation steps back leaving Jenkins’ vocals to introduce the first crescendo towards the end of Minute #2. A silent thunderclap… and downpour, with the emotional ebb and flow continuing in layers until the end of this nearly 5min single.

There is a beautiful proficiency to ‘Oh Friend’, with a confident subtly propelling an addictive melody. It’s not an easy sound to deliver well, and Hunger Moon have taken some bold steps down a road that is full of homage and potholes. But superbly handled by Ryan Pinson, the delicate strength that this genre requires is given its appropriate balance here. Plus, it could have been easily clipped to make it more radio (length) friendly but in fact saves the best minute for last.

As debuts go, ‘Oh Friend’ is solid introduction, managing to find a new corner of the electro/pop shadows to lurk in. The melody is rife too, which bodes well for an album of material to wrap around it – an LP we sincerely hope is on its way. But if we were to find one piece of constructive criticism, as is our job, it would be that the strength of Jenkins’ vocals can sometimes be a little, a small touch on the desk perhaps, too much in the lead. And to jump back to the two previous comparisons, one of these bands falls into this trap too, whist the other nails it perfectly on its perfect nail shaped head.

So, this is a little par for the course for the genre, kinda sorta. And having a strong asset in your box of musical tricks is one of those better problems to have. But for the first foray for Hunger Moon, ‘Oh Friend’ is cracking introduction from a band we have a sneaking suspicion have a lot more to offer over the next twelve months.

‘Oh Friend’ – Hunger Moon


Hunger Moon release their debut single, ‘Oh Friend’, on Monday 12th March – available through all major music platforms.

Hunger Moon will also be performing at The Sunflower Lounge on Tuesday 13th March, supporting Joseph J. Jones – for direct gig information, click here. 

For more on Hunger Moon, including links to stream ‘Oh Friend’, visit

BPREVIEW: Trudy and the Romance @ Castle & Falcon 03.02.18

Trudy and the Romance @ Castle & Falcon 03.02.18

Words by Ed King

On Saturday 3rd February, Trudy and the Romance play at the Castle & Falcon in Balsall Heath, with support from Quinn, Deaf Balloons and P.E.T

Doors open at 7pm, with tickets priced at £7 (plus bf) – as presented by Birmingham Promoters. For direct gig info, including venue details and online ticket sales, click here.

*This gig has been rescheduled from 14th November 2017, with original tickets still valid. For more information please visit the Birmingham Promoters event page, click here*

Combining their ‘whip-smart imagination and tongues firmly lodged in cheeks’ with ‘a veritable witch’s brew of lovelorn sea shanties and mutant rockabilly pop’ (just an awesome description) Trudy and the Romance hark back to the bygone days of Teddy Boy cool but with a post millennium pop edge. Coming to Birmingham from their home town of Liverpool, Trudy and the Romance play one of their first 2018 dates at the Castle & Falcon before heading over to Manchester in April.

Formed in late 2014, Trudy and the Romance’s recent Junkyard Jazz EP has been picking up momentum and music press adulation since its release in November 2017, with DIY Mag citing the 5 track extended play as ‘a new record of crackers.’ We’d be happy with that. Their ashtrays are pretty awesome too.

Supported by the Sam Lambeth fronted Quinn, always worth a looksie, Trudy and the Romance will be further joined on stage by Wolverhampton’s Deaf Balloons and Birmingham’s ‘Grrl punk band’ P.E.T – the latter we hear strange and curious things about, but have yet to see strut their loud and hopefully funky stuff on stage. One for the shopping list though.

‘Is There a Place I Can Go’ (live) – Trudy and the Romance

Trudy and the Romance play at the Castle & Falcon on Saturday 3rd February – with support from Quinn, Deaf Balloons and P.E.T. For direct gig info, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

For more on Trudy and the Romance, visit 

For more on Quinn, visit 

For more on Deaf Balloons, visit

For more on P.E.T, visit

For more from the Castle & Falcon, including further event listings and online ticket sales, visit

For more from Birmingham Promoters, visit