REVIEW: Föllakzoid + The Hungry Ghosts, Sky Children @ The Sunflower Lounge, Sun 7th June


Words by James Gardener

Chilean psych band Föllakzoid weren’t content with playing one gig of blissed out cosmic music in the Midlands, so they decided to make a surprise lunch time appearance at Lunar Festival – before heading to The Sunflower Lounge for their eagerly awaited Birmingham Promoters show.

Birmingham-Promoters---web-coloursOpening for them were Birmingham new boys Sky Children, giving a solid if not spectacular start to proceedings – albeit leaning on the much popular and over saturated BTown sound. There were moments of promise and with a few more gigs, and time to develop their own style, we may see brighter and better things to come.Sky-Children

Next to play in front of the packed out crowd were The Hungry Ghosts. With influences from the dark side and the other side of the pond, and with nods to The Velvet Underground and Dylan, this is a band happy to wear those influences on their leather clad sleeves.

The Hungry Ghost’s latest single ‘Hares on The Mountain’ comes halfway through a fast and ferocious set; this moment sees the band at their lyrically brutal and musical peak. The Hungry Ghosts, make a note – these are one to keep an eye on for sure.

The-Hungry-GhostsFöllakzoid are in the UK as part of a European tour to plug their new album, Föllakzoid lll – out now on Sacred Bones Records. Tonight they are the puppet masters over a mesmerising crowd; with deep grooves and dark vibes they have the whole room in awe

Songs like ‘Electric’ are a master class in the interplay between drums, guitar and synth – drawing you in and toying with you; this is what the band have built a reputation on and tonight sees them execute it to perfection.The-Sunflower-Lounge

Föllakzoid’s set is a real treat for this Sunday evening Birmingham crowd, who stick with them through the ambient parts, the long drawn out songs, and revel in the ultimate highs.

Between a field in Tanworth-in-Arden to a basement in Birmingham city centre, if you caught one of Föllakzoid’s gigs today you should consider yourself lucky.

For more on Föllakzoid, visit

For more on The Hungry Ghosts, visit

For more on Sky Children, visit


For more on The Sunflower Lounge, including full event listings, visit

For more from Birmingham Promoters, visit 
