BPREVIEW: 8 Bit Lounge Vs Canvas @ Hare & Hounds 15.10.15

8 Bit Lounge Vs Canvas @ Hare & Hounds 15.10.15Words by Olly MacNamee & Ed King

With the recent closure of The Bull’s Head in Moseley, I had wondered whether the freestyling, fun-lovin’ Canvas night would find a new home.Birmingham Preview

And it did, hopping onto the No. 50 and free-wheeling it down the road to the Hare & Hounds in Kings Heath – their first event there being a tag team promotion with 8 Bit Lounge, held on Thurs 15th October. For direct event info click here

8 Bit Lounge, the established local purveyors of ‘retro, futuristic and experimental gaming’, have been bringing their Atariesque ideas to the Hare & Hounds for some time now.

In their own words, you can expect ‘a selection of retro games consoles, with both classic games and fun recent titles’ played on N64, SNES, Megadrive, Gamecube, Playstations 1 & 2, Sega Dreamcasts, Acorn Electron (running the original Elite), networked PCs (running Doom and Quake) or even a cassette loaded Commodore 64. Ah, Elite… teaching a generation of children how to deal firs, firearms and narcotics.

Canvas, which was raised and nurtured at The Bull’s Head, is a night that promised (and delivered) cool tunes and kicking beats courtesy of Canvas Brain Trust and Posh One – alongside live scribblings from a regular hardcore of Birmingham street artists, such as Liskbot, Setdebella and ThatBlokeWilson.

But following the closure of the old Moseley watering hole, the whole Canvas family is moving lock, stock and spray cans to a bigger venue at the Hare & Hounds – teaming up with 8 Bit Lounge on Thurs 15th October.

Alongside 8 Bit Lounge’s reputable journey down the digital memory lane, to the salad days before Mario had his Kart, the Canvas H&H debut will present their heady mix of music and live art, seeing two talented local lads drawing on the night from 8pm ‘till last bell.

In the left corner, we have Dan Griffin Hayes – a madcap, satirical street artist who has also battled in, and won, hare-and-hounds-logo - transBirmingham’s lamented Secret Wars. In the right corner, we have Craig Earp – one of The Big Hoot’s Hootie artists and a mad-crazy, ultra-detailed, nightmare inducing extraordinaire.

And everywhere else, there probably a few gold coins and mushrooms to jump on and… ‘BRIILLLIINNGG’ – alongside the H&H’s extended array of ales and lagers for the more discernable (and for the not so discernable, there’s Addlestones Cider on tap).

8 Bit Lounge Vs Canvas comes to the Hare & Hounds in Kings Heath on Thurs 15th October – entry is free, with the event starting from 8pm. For direct info, visit http://hareandhoundskingsheath.skiddletickets.com/event.php?id=12545213

For more on Dan Griffin Hayes, visit http://dangriffinhayes.com/

For more on Craig Earp, visit http://www.craigearp.uk.com/


For more on 8 Bit Lounge, visit http://8bitlounge.co.uk/

For more on Canvas, visit https://www.facebook.com/Canvasartandmusic

For more from the Hare & Hounds, including further event listings, visit http://hareandhoundskingsheath.co.uk/

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