ALBUM: Pareidolia – Mutes 21.06.19

Mutes / Courtesy of FOMA

Words by Ed King / Pic courtesy of FOMA

Pareidolia: ‘The perception of apparently significant patterns or recognisable images, especially faces, in random or accidental arrangements of shapes and lines.’

It’s been nearly two years to the day since Mutes released their debut album, the nine track No Desire that was self-described as ‘urgent noise-fests, slow-burning drone sequences and seductive siren songs with assured ease.’ Honestly, I love a Mutes press release. But packed with angry jam, dark imaginings and the occasional pop-rock sacrifice to the Gods of radio friendly playlists, whatever words you throw around it was a pretty impressive debut.

But that was then, now is sometime later, and the sophomore proffering from James Brown & Co is an altogether different affair. Pareidolia is released through Birmingham based FOMA, as with No Desire, and will be available in the big wide world and web from Friday 21st June onwards. And for those too busy to read on, here’s a single word review: corker. But for those of you who can spare a few more syllables…

Pareidolia opens with the expected fuzz and distortion that must be permanently squatting in the back of James Brown’s head – sweeping in with just over a minute of echoed guitar tuning and white noise gone rogue. No surprises. Then the curiously chronological ‘Swallowing Light’ stamps Mutes across the front of this new LP, mirroring all we’ve grown to love, loathe or lament about this one-man-band split into three. Still no surprises. But no complaints either.

Then it changes. Everything shifts. Soft strumming and softer vocals cascade across the record, as the gentle melody of ‘Guarded Young’ moves us into an arena of almost indie pop – until the Swervedriver effect takes over at about 2mins 32secs. And despite the deluge of spangly guitar music in the Midlands, this Steve Lamaq championed single still feels fresh. Let the surprises begin.

The rest of the album jumps from one wonderful edge of this dichotomy to the other, combining Brown’s perfect homage to the ‘Stala’ side of those battered butternut sqaushers with what could, would, and perhaps should be described as even tender acoustic-electro.

Tracks such as ‘What It Takes’ and ‘Systematic Bliss’ bring out an almost vulnerability to this LP, whilst the unashamed freneticism and rabbit punch percussion of tracks such as ‘False Promise of Protection’ and ‘Men of Violence’ break this eleven track experience into an opposing battle of wills.

The production is superb, throughout, which the press release tells us is the silver lining when ‘principal songwriter James used the lack of any real support network as an opportunity to go it alone.’ Someone give that man a hug. Or a whiskey. But with a Mogwai-like intensity and sensitivity embellishing an album that is already melody heavy, whatever drove whoever to this point of wherever is no bad thing. For us, at least.

A few pockets of mad glory stand proud, with the dark dream instrumentals of ‘A Coloured Loss’ and ‘A Mercenary Change’ woven into a track listing with moments that would make George Martin blush. And as for the closing track, the curiously titled ‘Form/Colour’… well, I’ll leave that to you and your audio God. But lay me down on my flag and let the fields wash with blood, the king is dead. LONG LIVE THE KING.

However, as with many great works the strength of Pareidolia could also be its downfall. Accessibility. James Brown has long been a voice of dissent amidst the crowded cacophony of the Midlands’ music scene, challenging – verbally and musically, rightly or wrongly – the carbon copy creations that he often claims grab all the attention. From the crowds, from the venues, and from us, your humble music media. And he’s right, to a point.

But even if he’s not (everything by nature is subjective) it’s an important counterpoint to have in the conversation. And Pareidolia is dangerously close to making him popular with the pack, as the wolves of Radio 6 are already howling out around him.

But that’s me, perhaps I think too much. Perhaps I should just put my earphones back in, skip to track eleven and walk home enjoying the sunset. And as I stumble into the world’s most subtle framing technique, perhaps it’s just a beautiful body of work and I’m making something out of nothing. Regardless, Pareidolia is an exceptional album.

Mutes release Pareidolia, on Friday 21st June – out via FOMA. For more on Mutes, including links to online purchase, visit 

For more from FOMA, including links to all Mutes material on the label, visit

Mutes are also celebrating the release of Pareidolia with special gig at The Sunflower Lounge on Saturday 22nd June – support comes from Magik Mountain, Exhailers, and Outlander. For direct gig info, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

For more on The Sunflower Lounge, including full event listings and links to online ticket sales, visit


NOT NORMAL NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To learn more about the NOT NORMAL NOT OK campaign, click here. To sign up and join the NOT NORMAL NOT OK campaign, click here.

If you have been affected by any of the issues surrounding sexual violence – or if you want to report an act of sexual aggression, abuse or assault – click here for information via the ‘Help & Support’ page on the NOT NORMAL NOT OK website.

BPREVIEW: Mutes – Pareidolia album release party @ The Sunflower Lounge 22.06.19

Mutes / Courtesy of FOMA

Words by Ed King / Pic courtesy of FOMA

On Saturday 22nd June, Mutes celebrate the release of their new album, Pareidolia, with a special gig at The Sunflower Lounge – support coming from Magick Mountain, Exhailers, and Outlander.

Doors open at 7pm, with tickets priced at £7 (+booking fee) – as presented by FOMA. For direct gig info, including venue details and links to online ticket sales, click here.

Ah, the tortured artist… we have a small gooey soft spot for the one-man whirlwind of frustrated angst that sits at the centre of Mutes. Not just because, let’s face it, the man is pretty damn talented. But also because he’s kind of right. Most of the time. Some of the time. A bitter pill that leaves you a little sore to swallow, but one that will probably help clear away the mucus and bile that rests in the belly of Birmingham’s musical guts. Or who will one day go fully mad and burn down half the venues and recording studios in the city, so you know – either way, there are worse things than the occasional clean slate.

So… what’s all the fuss about, eh? Mutes have a new album coming out, that’s what – on Friday 21st June, Pareidolia will be set free into the world and you all are being invited to embrace it. You lucky lot.

Mutes - Pareidolia / UK tour posterMore about that later… but what we can do right now is plagiarise the press release, which describes Pareidolia as ‘a meandering, exhilarating record that sees the Birmingham post-punk group delivering something entirely new.’ And whilst I’m not sure about ‘meandering’ (more a sneaky creeper that kicks you square in the throat) it’s certainly a step into more digestible territory than its predecessor, No Desire. Although we did like No Desire.

Currently being toured across the UK, with The Sunflower Lounge show being the midway mark, Mutes’ new LP has already been picked up by the great and good of Radio 6. Lamo (a nickname that reminds me of bullies at a Grammar school) even debuted the single ‘Guarded Young’, so for that we salute you Sir Steve. And you can’t get much more of a high profile new music endorsement than that.

Although it did, with Pareidolia also having a healthy thumbs up from Tom Robinson, DIY Magazine, Louder the War, and The Line of Best Fit – so prepare your greasy hands Birmingham, there’s a rising balloon leaving soon and you’ll want a firm grip.

It’s a pretty stonkin’ line up at The Sunflower Lounge release party too – with those ‘playful proto punk’ers, Magick Mountain, coming down from Leeds to play in the second city. Or third city, depending on which tour bus you’re on.

Lining up the local support are the ‘three-headed apeoid’ art-rockers, Exhailers, who also have a release on the table – their latest single, ‘Planetary Spin to the Stomach’, is now available via the usual online suspects.

Then breaking the magic number rule on this bill are Outlander, who’s latest five track release, The Valium Machine, came out in April this year – more about that later too…

So there you have it. And if all this well rounded/meaning foot stamping hasn’t convinced you to shimmy on down to The Sunflower Lounge on Saturday 22nd June, then perhaps a little AV persuasion is in order. In fact, have two. We’ve got a few minutes (seven) to spare:

‘Overfed’ – Mutes

‘Guarded Young’ – Mutes

Mutes perform at The Sunflower Lounge on Saturday 22nd June, celebrating the release of their new album Pareidolia – with support from Magik Mountain, Exhailers, and Outlander. For direct gig info, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

For more on Mutes, visit

For more on Magick Mountain, visit
For more on Exhailers, visit
For more on Outlander, visit

For more from FOMA, including new releases and back catalogues from all the artists on their roster, visit
For more on The Sunflower Lounge, including full event listings and links to online ticket sales, visit


NOT NORMAL NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To learn more about the NOT NORMAL NOT OK campaign, click here. To sign up and join the NOT NORMAL NOT OK campaign, click here.

If you have been affected by any of the issues surrounding sexual violence – or if you want to report an act of sexual aggression, abuse or assault – click here for information via the ‘Help & Support’ page on the NOT NORMAL NOT OK website.

BPREVIEW: Mutes @ Hare & Hounds 13.03.19

Words by Ed King

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On Wednesday 13th March, Mutes headline at the Hare & Hounds – with support from Robert Craig Oulton. Sofa King were originally scheduled to perform but had to pull out of the gig – so look out for someone possibly filling in.

Doors open at 7:30pm, with tickets available for £6 (advance +booking fee) – as presented by FOMA. For direct gig information, including links to online ticket sales, click here.

There’s probably a music journalist handbook out there that would help me with genres and comparisons, one that is updated every year to keep the lexicon cutting edge. I mean, seriously, who coined ‘trap’ music…?

But one of the joys to this job is the constant evolution, especially when it comes from an arena of intelligence and not some attention/chart grabbing pretender.

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Enter Mutes, closely followed by a list that will include My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, a couple of curveballs and an apologetic recognition as to the list itself. Sprinkle some clever metaphors, make a reference to Sub-Pop, throw in an opiate analogy and – if you’re feeling brave – a joke about revolving doors and band members. Mwah…. we mean it with love.

But it’s been just shy of two years since the James Brown led ghost in the music machine (…stir in some existential philosophy) released No Desire, the somewhat bold and beautiful debut album from Mutes. And now they’re back with Round Two. The as-of-yet unnamed new album (in the public domain at least) is set for release sometime soon, we think, we hope, but there is one single already dangling like the proverbial carrot – check out ‘Swallowing Light’ below, being performed live at the Hare & Hounds back in July 2016.

Now the more observant of you will note this is nearly a year before Mutes’ ‘dichotomy of extremes’ debut album came out, sans ‘Swallowing Light’ – so questions, questions, questions…

Now if we were to jump a gun or two, heaven forbid, it could mean that the ambient swirls and prolonged rabbit holes of No Desire have been set aside for the simple ball kicking grunge rock that Brown & Co can deliver so well. Which would be no bad thing. Or it could mean the sophomore LP is a reworking of some tried, tested, loved and live tracks from the Mutes back catalogue – with some new nuggets thrown in. Or it’s a coincidence, or an accident. Or it’s all a ruse and the rest of album two is a spoken word diatribe about penguins.

But with an album promoting gig at the Hare & Hounds on Wednesday 13th March, you’ll probably get a sneaky peak and hopefully some clarity soon enough. Or not. But you might. In the meantime, I’m going to dust down my Roget’s Thesaurus and frayed copies of DIY, so I can be rhetoric ready for when the album does arrive.

The rest of you can keep yourselves busy with the link below, or click here to check out what happened when we danced this dance before – including an interview with James Brown about what brought No Desire to the table. Enjoy. And save some mental space for the next Mutes album, coming soon on FOMA Records. TBC…

‘Swallowing Light’ – Mutes

Mutes headline at the Hare & Hounds on Wednesday 13th March, with support from Robert Craig Oulton. For more direct gig information and links to online ticket sales, click here.

For more on Mutes, visit

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Hare-Hounds-logo.png

For more on Robert Craig Oulton, visit

For more from FOMA, visit

For more from the Hare & Hounds, including full event listings and venue details, visit


NOT NORMAL – NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To learn more about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK campaign, click here. To sign up and join the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK campaign, click here.

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this feature – or if you want to report an act of sexual aggression, abuse, or assault – click here for information via the ‘Help & Support’ page on the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK website.