THE GALLERY: RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18




Words & pics by Eleanor Sutcliffe

It’s 8pm on a Sunday evening and Ashleigh and I are soaked. We’ve worked Birmingham Pride for two days and have just traipsed our way through monsoon rain to the doors of the Symphony Hall for RuPaul’s Werq The World Tour.

Having decided to wear slightly fancier clothing than our usual jeans and t-shirt ensemble for tonight’s occasion, I’m regretting my decision already – dresses were not made with practicality in mind, and this combined with the thunderous weather (and being forced to run in heels) has left us both looking, and feeling, worse for wear.

Lady Bunny - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeIt gets even worse as we descend into the foyer too. Fans are dressed up to the nines in their best clothing, with platform thigh high boots and latex bodysuits seemingly the norm. We didn’t expect anything less, mind – when you’re coming to a show that features some of the biggest names in drag, it’s a given that fans will don themselves in outfits as outlandish as the performance we’re about to witness. Wrestling our way to our seats, we settle in and prepare ourselves for the evening ahead.

The lights go down and a quartet of male dancers make their way onto the stage. On swans Lady Bunny, who opens the show by lip-syncing to Nina Simone’s ‘Feeling Good’ to a backdrop of lightning – fitting, considering the weather we traipsed through to get to the show. A departure board flashes up and one by one, each queen does a single lap of the stage before disappearing backstage. They are all present and correct, with each queen garnering more support than the last.

Detox - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe

Detox flings flowers out to the crowd before swearing at the front row before sauntering off, much to the attendee’s delight. The furor is deafening as Latrice waltzes her way on stage, who laughs and smiles as fans screech and click their fingers back and forth. Finally, they all reappear and dance along to a heavy pop track, the choreography for which Lady Bunny claims is inspired by “the hashish we got from Amsterdam”.

And so begins the show – first up is Kennedy Davenport, who sashays onstage to an upbeat instrumental dance track seemingly inspired by the Rio carnival. Dressed in a black ruffled cloak, this is soon cast away to reveal a fringed green, yellow and blue bodysuit. Her performance includes all the signature drag dance moves includes the painful looking ‘death drop’ (if you don’t know what this is, Google away). The sheer energy that Davenport brings to the stage is incredibly impressive – I’m sweltering under the lights just taking her photo, so how she manages to leap back and forth is beyond me. The crowd’s response is one of sheer delight and Davenport takes a bow before running offstage.

Kennedy Davenport - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeNext, a Seoul backdrop appears as Kim Chi slowly makes her way on stage accompanies by and eerie piano instrumental. The screen shows a dark pink sea and moon which, coupled with her short white skirt and blonde wig, gives away the Sailor Moon inspiration behind the performance. As the backing dancers mimic each character from the anime, Chi twirls out of her costume to reveal a sparkling white ballgown, before launching into a lip sync routine to the Sailor Moon theme tune, which is edited to include a heavy bass line. Though she struggles to lip sync along to the track, she more than makes up for it in after the performance when talking to Lady Bunny.

Forever the comedy queen, Chi claims her favorite part about Drag Race was “free catering” and how the most important lesson she learnt was that life isn’t always about winning – “it’s about losing to black people occasionally”. Kim Chi - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffePersonally, I’ve never felt incredibly comfortable with drag humour as it can seem rather crass and humiliating to me on occasion, however the comments go down a storm with the room so who am I to judge?

To break up the performance, Lady Bunny announces a game rather inventively named ‘Wig in a Box’. The rules are simple – four members of the audience will be selected and will delve into a large cardboard box, emerging with a rather beaten up wig. The aim of the game is to lip-sync along to the accompanying track, and whoever’s performance is best, wins.

Despite my best endeavors to coax fellow writer, Ashleigh, up on stage, she’s not having it in the slightest, and I personally cannot think of anything worse than stepping out onto the Symphony Hall stage only to publicly humiliate myself for the slight chance of winning a free T shirt. Four individuals are selected and make their way on stage, which angers a woman at the back who feels the need to collapse in the aisle while belting out ‘It Should Have Been Me’ by Yvonne Fair. She is gently escorted back to her seat under the seething comments of Lady Bunny, who claims “bitch, I don’t come to your job at Mcdonalds and tell you what to do”. The crowd goes wild. I begin to re-evaluate my life choices.

Lady Bunny's 'Wig in a Box' - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeI am in no place to judge here either, as each competitor who forced their head into one of those wigs clearly has way more balls than I ever will. However, it is the young man who has to lip-sync to P!nk’s ‘So What’ who has me in stitches.

After cowering in his seat momentarily, he soon launches into a full routine which includes a cartwheel, handsprings, a border line striptease and a death drop that has me flinching in pain. Finishing by grinding on his chair to the cacophony of applause, even Lady Bunny seems to be impressed, or concerned, I’m not sure which one. She crowns him the winner and flings him an official Werq the World t-shirt before carrying on with the show.

Sharon Needles - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeNext is Sharon Needles, who Lady Bunny welcomes by claiming she “puts the gore in gorgeous”. Her style of drag has always been a favourite of mine, as she goes against the grain and puts a horror spin on the art form. Entering the stage clad in a black veil and dress, she stands still as a dancer in a latex devil mask twirls around her, accompanied by text that says, ‘enough of that, let the sacrifice begin’.

‘Marry the Night’ by Lady Gaga soon starts blaring out of the speakers and the veil is cast away in favour of a black latex bodysuit. The lip sync soon morphs into her own 2017 release ‘Black Licorice’, and the screen behind shows images of a rabbit decomposing as she dances across the stage. Closing her performance with the phrase “Happy Halloween, hail Satan, being gay is punk and kill your parents”, Needles strolls off stage without a care in the world as the crowd descends into ecstasy behind her.

Detox - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeThe following performance is most definitely NSFW; Detox has always been known for her rather outlandish antics, however she truly goes to town tonight. Sporting a long black coat and lip-syncing along to what we think is ‘S.E.X’ by Madonna, she reveals a red latex corset and kinky boots as her outfit of choice, accompanied by a long, latex ponytail reminiscent of a whip.

Her dancers are soon stripped down to red latex pants the size of postage stamps as she grinds on each one in turn, much to the joy of the crowd and the embarrassment of the parents present. After attaching a rope to the collars of each dancer she has them walk around her like puppies, further hinting at the dominatrix influences on her performance. It’s clearly the fan’s favourite so far, as a woman runs down the aisle to stuff notes of money into Detox’s thong.

Valentina - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeLady Bunny appears again, this time to perform a rather controversial ditty that mocks each of the major drag queens we have seen throughout RuPaul. Again, this is not my humour, however the crowd seemingly lap it up, squealing at the controversy it may cause. But the whole thing seems shallow and crass to me, with most of the comments focusing on the looks, sizes, or nationalities of the queens. For a show which prides itself in being inclusive to all forms of drag, I find myself uncomfortable during this performance. I occupy myself cleaning my camera lens until the next act comes on.

Violet Chachki - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeAll it takes is the signature twang of a Spanish guitar for me to know that Valentina is soon to perform. Her lip sync and dancing is second to none, however I cannot help but feel fans are growing slightly bored of the continuous references to her nationality. She is an incredibly skilled and talented performer, and I feel she could expand on this considerably if the company were more willing to look outside the box. Regardless, Valentina‘s performance is amazing as per usual, and I marvel at the grace and elegance she brings to the stage. The mariachi style dance goes down a storm with the crowd too, with fans at the front nearly in tears.

Violet Chachki - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeAh, Violet Chachki… If I have a soft spot for any queen, it’s her. Descending upon the blue lit stage in a typical sequined burlesque gown, the aesthetics of her performance are simply stunning. Coupled with her cabaret style dancing and aerial skills, her show tonight is truly breathtaking.Casting the gown aside for a sequined leotard, she hops into the aerial hoop with more grace than I could ever possess, which is then hoisted into the rafters of the Symphony Hall. Spinning and twirling at a speed that would make me vomit on the crowd, Chachki goes through several daring moves, each one riskier than the last. The variety breaks up the night well, and she receives ecstatic applause from the crowd.

And finally, Latrice Royale, saving the best until last. She is introduced clad in theatrical regal gown complete with the biggest ruffled collar I’ve ever seen in my life. Her performance is based around her latest single ‘Excuse the Beauty’, which has the entire audience up out of their seats for the first time this evening. Latrice Royale RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeShe is flung a white and mint flag by one of the dancers which she incorporates into her routine, hurling and spinning it though the air like a baton twirler. Clearly the crowd favourite, fans are in tears at this point, screaming their praise as Royale bows and exits the stage.

As Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’ pulses from the speakers, each of the queens emerges from backstage donning silver sequined outfits to take their final bow. At this point, fans begin the crowd the aisles, desperate to make their way to the stage to sing their praises. Even the queens seem slightly surprised at the sheer support that is being shown, as the shake hands with fans and blow kisses.

As we leave the Symphony Hall, I’m slightly speechless. It’s rare I leave a show surprised – on the contrary, I’m usually picking flaws from the moment I’m back out on the street. However, the atmosphere is electric and seeing fans this excited at the performances they have just witnessed warms my soul slightly. I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting for the response from an audience, even to such a high profile to a drag show, to be this strong. But it is. And I love it.




RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe

Violet Chachki - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Violet Chachki - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Violet Chachki - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Valentina - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Valentina - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Valentina - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Sharon Needles - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Sharon Needles - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Kim Chi - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Kim Chi - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Kim Chi - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeKennedy Davenport - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Kennedy Davenport - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Kennedy Davenport - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe Detox - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeDetox - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor SutcliffeDetox - RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18 / Eleanor Sutcliffe

For more on RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour, visit 

For more both the Symphony and Town Halls, including venue details and further event listings, visit

BPREVIEW: RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18

BPREVIEW: RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18

Words by Eleanor Sutcliffe

On Sunday the 27th May, RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour will be coming to the Symphony Hall – stopping off in Birmingham for the second date out of seven across the UK and Ireland.

The show starts at 9pm, with an exclusive VIP Meet & Greet from 7pm. Tickets are priced from £32 to £128 – as presented by Voss Events, World of Wonder, and VH1. For direct gig information, including venue details and links to online ticket sales, click here.

Also appearing at the Symphony Hall on Sunday 27th May will be Ginger Johnson, the ‘nightmare in nylons’ storyteller who will be reading Glamorous Gran and other Stories – ‘a lively collection of original children’s stories inspired by the lives of LGBTQIA+ people and their experience of the world’.

BPREVIEW: RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq the World Tour @ Symphony Hall 27.05.18A free event, taking place in the Symphony Hall Level 3 Foyer from 3pm, Ginger Johnson’s Glamorous Gran and Other Stories is suitable for ‘switched on kids’ aged 7 years and up. For direct event information, click here.

Lady Miss Ikea will also be DJing before and after the RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour show in the Symphony Hall Cafe Bar, playing ‘the most glamorous deep, house, disco and wildest pop – as well as tracks that you love from your favourite RuPaul Queens’. Again a free event, Lady Miss Ikea starts her first set at 7:30pm – for direct event information, click here.

Following a string of sold out shows in 2017, the only official tour for the popular reality TV series, Ru Paul’s Drag Race, is making a stop in Birmingham at the tail end of the city’s Pride Festival (how fitting). With a total of 63 shows across the globe, and 36 of those in Europe, Sunday 27th May is Birmingham’s opportunity to see some of drag’s finest queens perform in all their glory on stage. Hosted by fan favorite judge Michelle Visage, the show will feature performances from Kim Chi, Latrice Royale, Sharon Needles, Kennedy Davenport, DetoxValentina, Violet Chachki and a surprise guest from Drag Race Season 10.

RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour is quite possibly one of the most prominent drag shows to ever land in Birmingham, showcasing the TV phenomenon that has helped push drag from underground art to mainstream pop culture. And whilst drag events have become a more prevalent fixture on Birmingham’s event calendar – with national promoters such as Klub Kids and Eat Sleep Drag Repeat selling out shows at both mainstream and LGBT+ venues, alongside ferociously creative new events, showcasing both local and national talent, from collectives such as Dragpunk and Opulence – a show of this size coming to the Symphony Hall is unassailable step further into the limelight.   

RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour line up is diverse enough to give its audience a taste of all manner of drag too. Take Sharon Needles, for example, whose both ‘simply divine’ and ‘ghastly runway look’ won her the title of America’s Next Drag Superstar in 2012 at the end of Drag Race Season 4.

But if macabre isn’t strictly your style, then Kim Chi – who was the first Korean drag queen to appear on American television – offers up her self-described ‘bionic dolly’ aesthetic, celebrating all things ‘cute, fun, weird, and exotic’.

Then there’s Violet Chachki, whose drag, burlesque and acrobatic performances ‘blend strip tease, aerial acrobatics and fetish aesthetics – while also distorting the gender binary’. Chachki’s confidence and ‘indomitable, high self-esteem’ saw her win Drag Race Season 7, as well walk for Moschino in their Fall 2018 Collection at Milan Fashion Week and become one of the first drag artists to represent a major fashion brand for Betty Paige Lingerie.

Also appearing on RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour will be Latrice Royale – a plus sized queen who from Compton who is also an ordained minister, Detox – another LA queen who has appeared in music videos with Ke$ha and Rihanna, Kennedy Devenport – whose numerous pageant titles include Miss D’Elegance International 2013 and Miss Gay Orlando 2016, and Valentina – whose spectacular looks have appeared in Elle Magazine Mexico, Paper Magazine, and as well as being the face of Mexican fashion designer Benito Santos’ latest collection.

From kawaii to couture, RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour presents one of the most impressive drag line ups the city has seen, with each queen having worked their way to drag royalty with grit and determination. Here’s hoping, amongst the undeniable glitz and glamour, we witness some of that fire on stage at the Symphony Hall on 27th May.

RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour comes to the Symphony Hall in Birmingham on Sunday 27th May – as presented by Voss Events, World of Wonder and VH1. For direct show information, including venue details and links to online ticket sales, visit   

Lady Miss Ikea will be DJing before and after the RuPaul’s Werq the World Tour show in the Symphony Hall Cafe Bar – with her first set starting at 7:30pm. For more information visit 

Ginger Johnson will also be reading Glamorous Gran and other Stories for free in the Symphony Hall Level 3 Foyer from 3pm, suitable for children (and adults) aged 7 years and up. For direct event information, visit 

For more both the Symphony and Town Halls, including venue details and further event listings, visit

BPREVIEW: Screening Rights Film Festival @ mac 26.10-01.11.17

BPREVIEW: Screening Rights Film Festival @ mac 26.10-01.11.17

Words by Heather Kincaid

Returning for its third year in 2017, Screening Rights Film Festival is Birmingham’s international festival of social justice film –screenings features from around the world, with Q&A sessions and panel discussions on the themes and issues they address.

Held at mac, Screening Rights Film Festival 2017 will run from Thursday 26 October until Wednesday 1 November – with ticket deals available for people booking multiple screenings. For more info, including venue details and online ticket sales, click here

According to the Screening Rights Film Festival website, ‘The need for heartfelt films about the depths of human adversity around the world has grown enormously in recent decades’ – as the festival organisers seek to inspire and develop debate by shining a light on filmmakers responding to major contemporary concerns. At the heart of the project is the question of the potential for film, both drama and documentary, ‘to affect, or even effect, personal, social and political change’, whether by informing, provoking, moving, inciting action, connecting people or simply bearing witness to events.

Emerging out of research conducted by former University of Birmingham film lecturer Dr Michele Aaron, Screening Rights Film Festival has spent the last couple of years steadily establishing a place in the city’s cultural calendar. With Aaron having recently taken up a post at Warwick, this year the festival has been helped by the joint support of both universities, as well as a base at mac Birmingham.

Ghost Hunting @ mac 26.10.17 / Screening Rights Film FestivalBuilding on her long-held interest in the ethics of film and spectatorship, the project was originally kicked off by a symposium on ‘Screening Vulnerability’, beginning as an event series co-organised by Aaron and PhD student, John Horne. In 2016, it expanded to encompass twelve films screened in five different venues. This year, however, the focus has narrowed again, with just nine films being shown at mac. It’s a little smaller then, but the greater simplicity afforded by a single, centralised location might well work in the festival’s favour in terms of attracting audiences.

Unsurprisingly, the films being shown at the Screening Rights Film Festival reflect the organisers’ specific areas of expertise and investigation, as well as being influenced by hot topics on the global sociopolitical stage. Dr Aaron has described how, in recent years, her focus has shifted from writing about “power and ethics of representation and spectatorship in relationship to, principally, mainstream English cinema,” and towards a more outward-looking approach with an interest in film practice, often collaborating with filmmakers and community groups.

Among the manifestations of this change has been an intensive smartphone filmmaking course delivered to university students from the West Bank with the help of Palestinian youth advocacy agency, Sharek. Tramontane @ mac 26.10.17 / Screening Rights Film FestivalThe best short film to come out of that ‘Tammayaz’ scheme was screened at last year’s Screening Rights Film Festival, alongside Mohamed Jabaly’s and Abu Marzouq’s Ambulance. Meanwhile, John Horne’s PhD thesis concerns the ‘western’ spectator and the ‘Arab Spring’. Accordingly, films from and/or about the Middle East feature prominently on this year’s programme, making up a total of six out of the nine films being shown.

2017’s line-up includes the documentary Ghost Hunting, in which Palestinian director Raed Andoni confronts his demons head-on by recruiting a team to help him build a replica of the Israeli interrogation centre where he was held at the age of 18.

Drama Tramontane follows the struggle of a young Lebanese man to uncover the truth about his origins and identity after discovering that his ID card is a forgery; while Raving Iran sees two DJs forced to make a choice between home and family or moving abroad to pursue their passion for forbidden ‘Western’ music.

In The Other Side of Home, a Turkish woman raises questions about identity in a moving, personal tribute to the still-denied Armenian genocide of 1915; in Mr Gay Syria, the crowdfunded debut feature of Ayşe Toprak, a group of LGBT Syrian refugees kick back against intolerance in Turkey.

Raving Iran @ mac 01.11.17 / Screening Rights Film FestivalThere’s also Notes to Eternity, a more ‘impressionistic meditation’ on the Israel-Palestine conflict, centred on the lives and ideas of prominent thinkers and Israeli policy critics Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Sara Roy and Robert Fisk.

Another area of interest for the festival’s creators has been depictions of illness, madness and even death on screen. Among Aaron’s more recent projects, for example, has been the Life: Moving exhibition, comprising a series of films created with residents of Erdington’s John Taylor Hospice, lately displayed at Birmingham REP as part of a wider UK and international tour.

This year, Screening Rights Film Festival has joined forces with Flatpack Assemble to present a screening of Jennifer Brea’s Unrest, which charts the director’s own experience of living with ME, otherwise known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Jaha's Promise @ mac 29.10.17 / Screening Rights Film FestivalDespite the fact that thousands of people worldwide independently attest to similar symptoms, medical science has so far failed to offer any explanation for the condition, leading many to conclude that it is purely psychosomatic. In an attempt to conduct some investigations of her own and potentially change attitudes towards the illness, Brea connected with fellow sufferers, piecing together her film from recorded Skype interviews, iPhone footage and professionally shot vérité.

Coinciding with mac Birmingham’s ongoing Women and Protest season (13 September – 26 November), Jaha Dukureh also uses personal experience as a springboard for her film Jaha’s Promise. Now based in the US, the activist began her life in Gambia where a significant number of girls are subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) during infancy. Having been cut at just a week old, Jaha herself did not discover the truth or what it would mean for her until she was married to an older man at the age of 15. After having a daughter of her own, however, she vowed to return to her home country to confront its deeply embedded culture of FGM, whatever the cost.

Finally, Nick de Pencier’s Black Code uses The Citizen Lab’s 2009 exposure of global internet spy ring ‘Ghostnet’ as a starting point for a chilling exploration of 21st Century surveillance culture. In an unnerving trailer that combines archive footage with satellite imagery and CCTV-style shots, Citizen Lab director Dr Ronald Deibert describes the highly detailed and growing “digital exhaust” produced by Internet users and how three developments – mobile devices, social media and cloud computing – have resulted in “the most profound change in communication technology in the whole of human history”.

But this isn’t just a case of emails being intercepted: there are hints of cameras and audio devices being hacked and switched on unbeknownst to owners, and documents being extracted from hard-drive storage. “This is where Big Data meets Big Brother,” the trailer concludes. Prepare to leave feeling a little paranoid…

Unrest – @ mac 27.10.17 / Screening Rights Film Festival

Screening Rights International Film Festival is at mac Birmingham from Thursday 26 October until Wednesday 1 November – ticket deals are available for people booking multiple screenings. For more info, including venue details and online ticket sales, click here

For more on Screening Rights Film Festival, visit

For more information about mac Birmingham, including full event listings and online ticket sales, visit