BREVIEW: The August Showcase with Lice, The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, Whitelight @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18

Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds




Words by Ed King / Pics by Paul Reynolds

Urrgghh… a gig on a Sunday, who has the energy/serotonin left?

Apparently quite a few people, as I saunter (stumble) into the Hare & Hounds Room 2 alongside a very respectable crowd. Numberswise that is, they could all be slow boiling lost children at home for all I know. Or care. My Sunday roll call of compassion is often woefully one-sided. But a strong tail end of the weekend audience have turned out to support RDE and Setting Son’s August showcase – with local lads (and it is a bit of a sausage fest tonight) Whitelight, The Lizards, and The Hungry Ghosts all supporting Joe Talbot’s label champions, Lice.

Whitelight – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsWhitelight, a band I’ve not heard of before tonight but who I’m reliably told have come from the aftermath of Shaake, take up the first space on the bill – a stripped back twosome, guitar and drums, delivering a big room sound that far surpasses their square inches on stage.

Jokingly I said words to that effect would be my review, but adding ‘fuck me they rock’ probably sums it up quite nicely. There may be a few disjointed moments tonight, in set relying too heavily on the ‘break… and kick in’ rock power play, but the musicianship from this arena filling sound is a more than a little impressive. I could even use the word ‘Hendrix’ and not feel like too much of a fraud. But keep an eye on those listings and make your own addled mind up about them. Whitelight; you have been warned.

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsNext up are The Hungry Ghosts, a band I love to the core but feel compelled to judge with an extra stern eye. And ear. And gut. And all those things I need to be truthful. But having a replacement bass player on stage tonight – with Miles Cocker filling in for Emily Doyle over a few of the summer months – the most immediate of my knee jerk commentaries is ‘an overwhelming newness’ to their performance tonight.

It’s exciting, it’s rock and roll, but it’s also a little… The stage, for a start, feels too small, with the proficient wall of blues rock tumbling over the first song and smothering ‘Death Rattle Blues’ – the sophomore on the set list tonight. I’ve seen The Hungry Ghosts crammed into much tighter corners, but something is uncomfortably full tonight. And yet there is a… about it all. And as I wrestle with the ellipses that will no doubt be haunting my copy later on, I write ‘too much of something’, ‘this band just keep getting better’, before adding ‘I don’t know’ to my drunk spider scrawl.

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds‘Lazaro’ follows, with Joe (INSERT SURNAME HERE)’s vocals feeling well rounded for a weekend finale, before a bit of a swing/miss from new song ‘Jesus Fever’ and a somewhat lacking rendition of the tried and tested ‘Super King King’ – one of my longstanding favourites from this band’s slaughterhouse repertoire. But when you’re close to perfection it’s hard to stay consistent, and exciting ebbs and discouraging flows continue from ‘the ghosts’ set tonight – yet I am, once again, left both curious and eager. For all its ferocity and fallacy, it feels like something is brewing in The Hungry Ghosts’ set list tonight, with this Sunday showcase perhaps just first public introduction to an exciting evolution. But never fear; we’ll see/hear from The Hungry Ghosts soon enough, and ‘Shake the Devil’ will no doubt be in there somewhere near the start.

The Lizards – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsIt is now that I must issue an honest, albeit rather unsatisfactory, apology, as I miss The Lizards’ set due to cider and an earth shatteringly endearing band I fell afoul of at the downstairs bar. But I shall leave you with two pearls of wisdom: 1) Orchard Pig cider is not as benign as it sounds, and 2) Liquid Cheeks. And I’ll bet my pension (currently about £32 and a first edition Roald Dahl) that in 18 months time you’ll not need an explanation for the latter.

Time… enough. Attack ships on fire introduce the headline act for tonight, the Bristolian barrage of fun that are Lice. Well documented for bad time keeping and guttural prose, both attributes close to my heart, it is the band’s frontman that I’m most keen to see in full swing. But an army of low thumped drums, distorted feedback, and restrained punk pretensions (if such a thing can exist in the realms beyond oxymoron) are soon taking my eyes across the rough edged four piece. Frontman, Alistair Shuttleworth, who has set the stage for such anarchic atrocities as Fat White Family, owns the Sunday night dwindling crowd from the off – delivering his trademark prose in a way that makes me sit up straight yet miss every word. A linguistic trick I almost love and hate him for in the same short, sharp intake of breath.

But they are commanding, even to a room that seems half empty from the last time I stood in it (The Lizards, cider, downstairs bar, shit journalist…) and I am quickly moving my shoulders in that way a middle aged man does when he wants to let go. Lice last played in Birmingham “on this stage, almost exactly a year ago” as part of the Killer Wave all day August band Holiday event in 2017, and it’s good to see them headline after such a well earned 12 months.

Oddly, even incongruously (if I were a devotee of Paul Dacre) polite, each song gets a stomach propelled “thank you” as Lice blast though their short songs and punchy set – delivering a well meant audio assault that makes me want to invite them, and their backline, to my next birthday party. Superb, SUPERB FUCKING PERCUSSION. But jumping from the tirade of an angry child to the wisdom of someone with something to say,Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds Lice live up to their hype – as the Joe Talbot endorsed ‘fuck you we don’t care’ send out a set that shows this band mean business. And, even somewhat perversely, I believe them. If my mum were here she would probably file for adoption.

Sunday gigs are hard to promote, Lord knows I know – having spent over a year of my life doing it week in week out. But Setting Son and RDE have delivered this end of the weekend ensemble with fine fettle, setting a backbone of local luminaries against a visiting headline act who well deserve the attention. And, wonderfully, there was a good crowd to receive it. Even if the previous 48 hours have left the room’s frontal cortex a little bereft… well, mine at least.

Ha, and now to write a review about it (my ‘get it down as soon as you get home’ policy). But beyond ‘research Whitelight’, ‘The Hungry Ghosts’ new stuff’, ‘buy The Lizards a drink’ and ‘see Lice play on their home turf’, the South Park back catalogue is about all I have left. I bet Burroughs never had this problem. Possibly a bad comparison. Now, where’s that corkscrew and laptop power cable gone…




Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsLice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsLice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsLice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul ReynoldsLice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

 For more on Lice, visit


The Lizards – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

 The Lizards – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds The Lizards – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds The Lizards – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on The Lizards, visit


The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on The Hungry Ghosts, visit


Whitelight – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

 Whitelight – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds Whitelight – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds Whitelight – supporting Lice @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18 / Paul Reynolds

For more on Whitelight, visit

For more from Setting Son, including further event listings and online ticket sales, visit

For more on the Hare & Hounds, including venue details and further event listings, visit


NOT NORMAL – NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To sign up to NOT NORMAL – NOT OK, click here. To know more about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK sticker campaign, click here.

ALBUM: Joy As An Act Of Resistance – IDLES 31.08.18

IDLES / Lindsay Melbourne

Words by Emily Doyle / Pic by Lindsay Melbourne

I first encountered IDLES at All Years Leaving 2017. They headlined the Sunday night. I have vivid memories of Table Scrap’s Tim Mobbs, who was photographing the show, scrambling over the makeshift crowd barrier in a bid to save his camera from the chaos that erupted as soon as they began playing. A few songs in and I was hooked. These guys weren’t just some Bristolians with that one song about Mary Berry.

The elegantly titled Joy As An Act Of Resistance is IDLES’ second full length release, out from 31st  August on Partisan Records. It opens with the imposing ‘Colossus’, a five-and-a-half minute statement of intent to rival Refused’s ‘New Noise’. Sighing guitars underscore Joe Talbot’s drawl. The track reaches a dissonant crescendo, before unleashing a blast of the shout-along agit-punk that IDLES fans have been waiting for.

Joy As An Act Of Resistance flirts with hardcore and post punk in equal measure, but at its core is an album of protest music. Guttural backing vocals are woven throughout – the radio-friendly pro-immigration anthem ‘Danny Nedelko’ has two word chorus that’s made for a 2am Snobs crowd to chant along to. It’s shamelessly catchy. But throughout the record, guitarists Mark Bowen and Lee Kiernan are there with a double attack of grinding fuzz and shrill stabs to stop the listener getting too comfortable.

It’s Talbot’s lyrics that take centre stage most of the time. Whether it’s personal or political (and more often than not, it’s both) his trademark wit is ever present. Talbot loves to create characters – in the acerbic ‘Never Fight a Man With a Perm’, he describes an unfortunate acquaintance as, “not a man but a gland… one big neck with sausage hands” and a “Topshop tyrant, even your haircut’s violent; you look like you’re from Love Island.” The face of modern masculinity is a fixation for Talbot – in ‘Colossus’ he sings, “I am my father’s son, his shadow weighs a tonne”, while IDLES’ recent single, ‘Samaritans’, dissects the pressures on young men today before dissolving into a chorus of “I kissed a boy and I liked it.”

IDLES rose to prominence singing that, “the best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich”, and their socialist battle cry shows no signs of going quiet – as Talbot articulates in Joy As An Act Of Resistance’s jaunty ‘I’m Scum’, “this snowflake’s an avalanche.

The record isn’t all angry chanting. IDLES offer up an unhinged rendition of Solomon Burke’s 1961 soul hit ‘Cry To Me’, which nestles strangely comfortably amongst their tales of bravado and Brexit. There’s also space for Talbot to be characteristically raw. IDLES debut album, Brutalism, dealt with the death of his mother. Her portrait featured on the artwork, and a very limited run of the records had her ashes encased in the vinyl itself. On its release, Talbot admitted that, “people are a bit freaked out that this was a person. People are terrified of that physical link with death.” Since Brutalism, Talbot and his partner also lost their daughter, Agatha. In ‘June’, Talbot sings, “a stillborn, still born, I am a father” over a dirge of crackling synths. 

Joy As An Act Of Resistance is poised to cement IDLES as one of the UK’s great punk bands. There’s a seventy date world tour on the horizon too, coming to the O2 Institute in Birmingham on 26th October, and their fanclub on Facebook numbers over seven thousand and counting. Said fanclub call themselves the AF Gang, mostly talking music, mental health, and the poems of Dylan Thomas. IDLES’ influence is spreading, and it can only be a good thing.

‘Samaritans’ – IDLES

IDLES release Joy As An Act Of Resistance on 31st August, out through Partisan Records. For more on IDLES, including links to online sales, visit

IDLES play the O2 Institute in Birmingham on 26th October. For direct gig information, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit


NOT NORMAL – NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To sign up to NOT NORMAL – NOT OK, click here. To know more about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK sticker campaign, click here.

BPREVIEW: The August Showcase with Lice, The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, Whitelight @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18

BPREVIEW: The August Showcase with Lice, The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, Whitelight @ Hare & Hounds 12.08.18Words by Ed King

On Sunday 12th August, Setting Son Records and RDE present The August Showcase – with Lice, The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, and Whitelight all playing at the Hare & Hounds.

Doors open at 6pm, with advance tickets available for a mere £7 sterling plus a smidgen of a booking fee… which works out at around £1.75 a band, so literally cheaper than chips. Although a small cone of chips are available across the road for £1.25, so literally cheaper than some chips.

For direct event information and links to online ticket sales, click here. For the rest Google ‘Charlie’s Chippy Kings Heath’.

Lice have been steadily creating that kind of hard earned hype for a couple of years now – burrowing deep into the Bristolian live music circuit, snapping up support slots with The Fall and Fat White Family, then heading out across the UK to open for Idles on a sell out nationwide tour.

But the latter didn’t stop on stage, with Joe Talbot signing Lice as the first band to climb aboard his relatively recent imprint – Balley Records. And with fearsome mix of reverberation, guttural prose, swagger, more swagger, alongside an almost poetic approach to bass playing (see their Facebook page) and equine immolation (see below) you can see a well justified postcode partnership emerging. As Talbot told the NME back in April, “to act as a Trojan horse and allow bands that we like to be in a sphere of opportunity that we didn’t get is great. It’s a bit like having a plus one to a party. It feels amazing, it feels exciting and it feels like a privilege that we have that in our hands.” 

Lice released their It All Worked Out Great double EP, through Balley Records, in May this year – described by Louder than War as a ‘rabble-rousing selection of wryly dark and humorously unhinged tales, sound-tracked by a dissonant post-punk noise.’ So, erm, yeah. Sold. But coming back to Birmingham after last appearing at the Killer Wave bank holiday all dayer in August 2017, this is another chance to see Lice live on stage and in all their glorious Sunday goodness. And that’s not a bad way to wave goodbye to your weekend

But if you need a more regional reason to drag yourself off the sofa and out the door, then we have three – with The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, and Whitelight also playing at The August Showcase. So, sold. Sold. And sold again. All for less than a tenner and a potato based snack, pass the ketchup.

‘Stammering Bill’ – Lice 

Setting Son Records and RDE present The August Showcase – with Lice, The Lizards, The Hungry Ghosts, and Whitelight all playing at the Hare & Hounds on Sunday 12th August. For direct event information and links to online ticket sales, visit the Facebook Event Page by clicking here

For more on Lice, visit 

For more on The Lizards, visit

For more on The Hungry Ghosts, visit 

For more on Whitelight, visit

For more from Setting Son, including further event listings and online ticket sales, visit

For more on the Hare & Hounds, including venue details and further event listings, visit


NOT NORMAL – NOT OK is a campaign to encourage safety and respect within live music venues, and to combat the culture of sexual assault and aggression – from dance floor to dressing room.

To sign up to NOT NORMAL – NOT OK, click here. To know more about the NOT NORMAL – NOT OK sticker campaign, click here.

THE GALLERY: Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury




Words by Ashleigh Goodwin / Pics by Phil Drury

It’s Thursday night and our three day summer is still going strong. Approaching The Sunflower Lounge, you can see it has already built up a sizeable crowd that spills onto the streets outside, all of whom are enjoying drinks and cigarettes before the show begins downstairs.The crowd is awash with Dr Martens, plaid shirts and corduroy, singing along to various snippets of whatever is playing inside – speakers blaring into the road, through windows open to accommodate the hot weather.

The basement, however, is quiet upon entry. But as Birmingham based ‘psych-soaked four-piece’ Brain Food take to the stage people begin to file through the doors, dutifully taking their spot in front of the stage. The room becomes busy, with it getting so packed near the back that at one point I look like the final member of the most mismatched family trio; my bag and shoulders squashed together between an older man and a younger girl. People greet each other between songs, half jumping on their friends in hugs and adoringly ruffling their hair with one hand whilst sipping their beer in the other. One audience member reenacts the most vicious ‘Charlie Brown’ dance move I’ve ever seen repeatedly throughout the set, whilst bobbing his head to the thick bass lines as they go.

Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryA smooth “howdy” from lead singer Liam Mckeown reverberates through the room and does nothing to calm the raucous crowd. Their setlist – which includes ‘Mindwinder’, a new single yet to be released from their forthcoming EP ‘Get One On’ – is a pleasant haze of swirling chord combinations and fuzzy riffs from rhythm guitarist Jakob Cusp and bassist Wills Carrot, against the smooth swagger of Liam’s vocals and Connor Doyle’s percussion. Brain Food provided the perfect opener for the evening by kicking it off with enthusiasm and getting the crowd going in such a short space of time.

Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryThe second band of the night are The Hungry Ghosts, and people begin to swarm in throughout the first song after their toilet, drink and cigarette breaks. Having only seen ‘The Ghosts’ once before from the back of a busy crowd, only now was I able to appreciate the enticing appeal of the five-piece. Their sound is hard to pin-down, and as they play favourites such as the effortlessly cool ‘Amerika’, ‘Lazaro’ and ‘Hummingbird’, I realised the full rock and roll sounding guitars mixed with the distinctive vocals and controlled screams of frontman Joe Joseph can only really be summerised by their self-description of ‘slaughterhouse blues and trash country’.

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryI try many variations to describe this in my notes, crossing out each one in frustration as this description is the only one that seems apt for their unique sound, which manages to incorporate elements of rock, punk, blues and psychedelia into one performance. The Hungry Ghosts give an unpredictable yet tight set, presumably due to their confidence and familiarity with the stage; each member puts on a solid performance, showing what a well oiled machine The Hungry Ghosts are without ever coming off as too polished, flat or boring.

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryAdditionally, frontman Joe Joseph seems to possess a magnetism only present in a very small percentage of performers; he knows exactly what he is doing as he commands the small stage of The Sunflower Lounge. From his precise movements and calculated mannerisms, to his addressing of the audience as “brothers and sisters”, Joseph draws you into the performance and really helps solidify the bands overall image and presentation.

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryThe Hungry Ghosts exhibit a theatrical and artistic nature that encompasses everything they do; from their stylised ‘Amerika’ video, to their carefully designed merch of stickers, t-shirts and badges which are set up in a battered suitcase to the left of the stage. This naturally extends to their performance and does make them mesmerising to watch, it makes you want to take note of what is being performed and it boats an indescribable allure. These factors, combined with the fact I had to cut out many notes to make this a somewhat readable size, are what made The Hungry Ghosts, for me, the highlight of the evening.

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryAfter The Hungry Ghosts, people stream in and out of the basement and rotate between the bar, smoking area and toilets upstairs, meaning the crowd has dwindled in numbers slightly. But when Black Sabbath’s ‘Iron Man’ fills the room, the remaining audience members eagerly chorus the opening guitar whilst throwing their heads forward to the rhythm. The track is cut short for Captain Süün’s arrival to the stage, as they introduce themselves with a chaotic medley guitars and feedback before diving straight into their set.

Two songs in and lead vocalist Dan Brown asks into the crowd if they can borrow one of The Hungry Ghost’s guitars as there is a problem with Harri Newman’s, the band’s lead guitarist. A couple of minutes later and Billy OIllis swerves through the crowd and props his guitar on the speaker. A tense couple of seconds follow as Newman fiddles with the straps and dials on the body; you can tell there is an impending verse he needs to complete, and with what seems like barely a second to spare he nails it by launching into the riff with a satisfying vengeance.

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DrurySmall but dedicated pits form from the second song onwards, growing when the four-piece play their EP’s title track ‘Beach Burrito’. Captain Süün sound completely on form, with their live performance lifting the sound of the more subdued, relaxed recording on the EP. The energy displayed by the four-piece and voraciousness of the guitars gives a wild and unexpected layer to their entire set, which the crowd pick up on as pits continue throughout the show.

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryThis culminates in the last song, with the front section of the room throwing themselves into one another as red lights and mind-bending guitars fill the venue – a crowd member goes flying across the floor and people scramble to help them up instantaneously before carrying on in earnest. Not a soul is deterred from giving it their all as people fly into the speakers lining the front of the stage, and frontman Dan Brown has to prop his foot on one to ensure it doesn’t continue its journey across the floor.Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

Even from my position on the stairs the joy is infectious, and I can hear the shouts of enthusiasm and laughter from the crowd below. The previous two bands look on from the crowd, moving along with the beat whilst some are even part of the pit, whilst Brain Food’s lead singer, Liam Mckeown, unabashedly dances on the stairs.

The crowd are a real highlight of the Captain Süün gig tonight, with the headline set  definitely the most interactive and responsive they’ve been all evening. And when time is finally called on the evening, people snake out with sweat soaked faces and huge grins and make their way to the bar upstairs – riding the high of Captain Süün for at least a little while longer.




Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryCaptain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryCaptain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil DruryCaptain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

For more on Captain Süün, visit


The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury The Hungry Ghosts – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

For more on The Hungry Ghosts, visit


Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury Brain Food – supporting Captain Süün @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18 / Phil Drury

For more on Brain Food, visit

For more from The Sunflower Lounge, including full event listings and venue details, visit

BPREVIEW: Captain Süün + The Hungry Ghosts, Brain Food @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18

BPREVIEW: Captain Süün + The Hungry Ghosts, Brain Food @ The Sunflower Lounge 24.05.18

Words by Ashleigh Goodwin

On Thursday 24th May, The Sunflower Lounge welcomes psychedelic quartet Captain Süün – with support from Birmingham’s ‘trash country’ The Hungry Ghosts, and ‘swirling psych-soaked four-piece’ Brain Food.

The Sunflower Lounge opens its doors at 7.30pm, with the event having an age restriction of 18+ as presented by Red Dawn Events. At the time of writing all limited/discount advance tickets have sold out, but you can still buy a special offer pair of tickets for £9 or general admission singles for £6 – both including booking fee. For direct gig information, including venue details and links to all online ticket sales, click here.

Bristolian garage psych band, Captain Süün, have worked tirelessly since their formation in 2016 – playing numerous shows over the past couple of years, alongside truly creative artists from across the UK such as The Wytches, Cegvera and Yo No Se.

Having signed to Stolen Body Records after ‘a raucous set at Bristol Psych Fest’s’ in 2017 the band are now releasing their Beach Burrito EP, with The Sunflower Lounge gig the first of three dates to support the launch. Captain Süün’s official release show for their Beach Burrito EP is being held on Friday 25th May at The Trap in their hometown, where The Hungry Ghosts will once again be joining them on stage.

But no strangers to the second city, their refined and crafted sound has already made ‘a mark upon the Birmingham music scene with many local acts pledging their love for Captain Süün’ – boasting an infectious formula of skillful songwriting, warm fuzz, and a mixture of droning, brooding riffs and surf guitars.

And the future is seemingly bright for the four-piece beyond the UK too, as Captain Süün embark on a European tour next month to promote their Beach Burrito EP – before returning to their hometown in July to once again play at Bristol’s Psych Fest, alongside Night Beats and the French trio Dusty Mush.

Second on the bill are self-professed ‘slaughterhouse blues’ five-piece, The Hungry Ghosts, bringing the main support of the night. The last time The Hungry Ghosts joined Captain Süün in Birmingham was when the two bands completed the line up for Table Scraps’ Autonomy album release party at the Hare & Hounds back in March, as presented by This Is Tmrw.

The Hungry Ghosts’ completely identifiable sound combines contemporary rock and blues, against an alternative country and western background – no small feat, but one done to captivating effect. Drawing from an array of genres and inspirations The Hungry Ghosts deliver a truly distinctive body of work, which makes for not only a dynamic live performance but a hypnotic one too. But after the release of their double A-side, ‘Lazaro/Amerkia’, back in July 2017 – through Brum based record label Setting Son Records – the band have been busy playing shows across the UK, and of course in Birmingham.

Brain Food we’re a little less clued up on, but have been instructed on good authority that the ‘progressive psychedelia’ Birmingham based four piece ‘should be taken as part of a balanced diet, and is made using one part Liam Mckeown (Vox, Lead Guitar), one part Jakob Cusp (Rhythm Guitar), one part Wills Carrot (Bass), and one part Connor Doyle (Drums).’ Sounds promising, and possibly good for your digestion, but one we’ll have to get back to you about after having seen them on stage.

Meanwhile, back in the West Country…

‘Beach Burritio’ – Captain Süün

Captain Süün perform at The Sunflower Lounge on Thursday 24th May, with support from The Hungry Ghosts and Brain Food – as presented by Red Dawn Events. For direct gig information, including venue details and online ticket sales, visit

For more on Captain Süün, visit 

For more on The Hungry Ghosts, visit

For more on Brain Food, visit

For more from The Sunflower Lounge, including full event listings and venue details, visit